24 Ways to Elevate Your Wellbeing in 2024: A Guide to Thriving in the New Year.

Aravind K Thoomu
16 min readMar 25, 2024
Celestial Wellness: Visualize the Universe of Wellbeing

Don’t you feel like 2019 was just a year ago? I do.

After giving it a thought, I realized how we take time for granted. Forget about time, most of us are not even prioritizing our well-being actively. As we live in this world of hustle and bustle, I’m certain that prioritizing your well-being can often feel like an elusive goal. Yet, amidst all the drama, I believe that we MUST pause, reflect, and nurture our physical, mental, and emotional health from time-to-time. From nourishing your body with nutritious foods to embracing mindfulness and gratitude, each suggestion in this blog aims to help you achieve a vibrant and fulfilling existence. My curiosity towards the potential hacks for wellbeing lead me to curate 24 simple yet powerful practices, that can elevate your overall well-being. Read through them yourself and lets embark on this journey together, as we together uncover the keys to unlocking a life of balance, joy, and vitality.

The 8 dimensions of wellbeing (Emotional, Intellectual, Occupational, Environmental, Physical, Spiritual, Financial, and Social)

Though all of these activities are relatively simple, please make sure you are being genuine, motivated, and aligned with the process of implementing them in your life. Welcome to the journey towards Celestial Wellness.

  1. Eat well:
In India, we say that ‘’Food itself is Brahma, the lord of creation.’’ Designed by freepik

Have you ever considered how the food you eat affects not just your physical health, but also your overall well-being?

Eating well isn’t just about satisfying hunger; it’s about nourishing your body and mind for optimal performance and happiness. I got married last year, and my eating habits changed a lot since then for good. From personal experience, I’ve come to understand the profound impact of a balanced diet on mood and mental clarity. By prioritizing nutritious foods, you’re not only providing your body with the essential fuel it needs, but you’re also enhancing your mood, sharpening your focus, and boosting your energy levels throughout the day. Incorporating colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals can make a world of difference in how you feel both physically and mentally. So, let’s make a conscious effort to choose foods that nourish us from the inside out. Whether it’s swapping out processed snacks for nutrient-rich alternatives or exploring new recipes that excite your taste buds and support your health goals, every small step toward better nutrition is a step toward a happier, healthier life. Let’s embark on this journey together and prioritize our well-being one meal at a time.

2. Sleep Well:

Sleeping well is therapeutic. Designed by freepik

Getting enough sleep is super important for your overall health. When you take time to rest, your body and mind get the chance to recharge. Good sleep helps you feel balanced emotionally, so you can focus better, learn more, and make smart decisions. 💡 It also makes your immune system stronger, which means you’re less likely to get sick and recover faster if you do. Plus, sleeping well can make you feel happier, reduce stress, and make it easier to deal with everyday problems. Learning about good sleep habits can help you figure out what works best for you, so you can make it a regular part of your routine and feel even better!

Every day before going to sleep, I prefer writing down a list of all the pending tasks in a notepad for me to act on the next day. This helps me relax and sleep peacefully.

3. Exercise:

Exercise is seriously awesome for both our bodies and minds! When we get our bodies moving, it’s like giving them a super boost — keeping our muscles strong, our hearts pumping strong, and our bones as sturdy as can be. And guess what? It’s not just about physical stuff! Exercise actually makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside because it releases these amazing feel-good chemicals in our brains.

Isn’t that cool?

But wait, there’s more! Regular exercise isn’t just about feeling awesome during your workout — it’s also like a magic potion for better sleep. Yup, that’s right! Getting those workouts in can help us catch those Z’s better at night, so we can wake up feeling like we’ve been wrapped in a cozy blanket of restfulness, ready to tackle whatever the day throws at us.

So, whether it’s taking a leisurely stroll, shooting hoops with friends, or busting out some sweet dance moves in your bedroom, find something that makes you grin from ear to ear and get moving — it’s like giving yourself the biggest, happiest bear hug ever!

Exercise is where strength meets beauty and vitality blooms.

4. Save Money:

“The art is not in making money, but in keeping it.”

A lot of people think saving money is boring. But actually, it’s super important! Saving money means putting some aside from what you earn. It helps you stay safe financially and reach your big dreams, like traveling or buying a house. When you save, you’re ready for unexpected expenses or tough times without having to borrow money. Plus, it teaches you to be responsible with your cash. So, even if saving sounds a bit nerdy, it’s really cool because it gives you freedom to do what you want in the future!

5. Earn Money:

“Don’t stay in bed unless you can make money in bed.”

I think we don’t talk enough about money, and it’s super important! We need money to pay for things like food, a place to live, and healthcare. Plus, earning money helps us support our families and reach our goals. When we make money, we can invest in education and learn new skills, which can help us get better jobs and have more opportunities. It also gives us the freedom to do things we love, like traveling or starting our own business. And when we earn money, it feels good because we know we’re doing a great job and taking care of ourselves. So, let’s talk about money more because it’s not just about having cash — it’s about making our lives better!

6. Invest Money:

“Live within your means and Invest. Successful investing is about managing risk, not avoiding it.”

Investing money is super important for making your money grow, reaching your financial goals, and securing a better future. When you put your money into things like stocks, bonds, or real estate, it has the chance to grow over time. This can happen through things like the value of what you’ve invested in going up or getting regular payments from your investments. Investing also helps you keep up with the rising cost of things over time. Plus, it teaches you to be smart with your money and learn about how the market works. If you invest wisely, you might even earn money without having to work for it, which gives you more financial freedom. So, by investing your money, you’re setting yourself up for a more secure and successful future where you can achieve your dreams and goals!

I can assure you that idea of investing money is great, but believe me, it takes a lot of skill, patience, learning, and understanding to become a successful investor.

7. Donate Money:

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Recent research on the happiest countries of the world disclosed that all of the happiest countries across the globe have a few things in common. And one of them was generosity and charity. The survey clearly states that being generous, helping people, and doing charity is fundamental for people’s well-being and eventually lead to happiness.

Donating money is essential for creating positive societal impact and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Moreover, donating money fosters a sense of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility, encouraging individuals to actively engage in their communities and contribute to the common good. Ultimately, donating money not only helps to address pressing social challenges but also brings fulfillment, purpose, and a sense of connection to something larger than oneself.

8. Learn to Navigate through Emotions:

“Emotional intelligence is not about being nice all the time. It’s about being honest.”

Understanding and managing emotions is super important for navigating life smoothly. It’s a skill we all need to work on. Emotional intelligence helps us handle social situations well, resolve conflicts, and work together with others easily. I truly believe that being aware of our emotions and those of others is key to building good relationships and communicating effectively, leading to personal growth. When we’re in tune with our feelings, we can handle stress better, make smart decisions, and understand ourselves better, which is good for our overall well-being. So, let’s embrace emotional intelligence to create harmony, understanding, and growth in both our personal and professional lives.

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage your own emotions while understanding the emotions of people around you. Improve yours for better.

9. Seek Wisdom:

“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” Designed by freepik

Seeking wisdom is fundamental for growth and navigating life’s complexities with clarity and understanding. Learning to be wise helps us grow and handle life better. It lets us make good choices, understand things better, and care about others. When we seek wisdom, we learn more about ourselves and the world. This helps us face tough times with strength and kindness. Trying to be wise makes our lives more meaningful and happy, and it helps us make the world a better place for everyone.

10. Find your Purpose

‘’The purpose of our lives is to be happy, useful, honorable, and compassionate’’

Having a purpose makes you excited to do good things for others and build stronger relationships.

Discovering your purpose gives your life a strong foundation. It helps you know where you’re going, what drives you, and makes you feel satisfied. When you find your purpose, you can set goals that really matter, work hard, and keep going even when things get tough. Knowing your purpose helps you bounce back from hard times and stay focused. It also makes life more meaningful and enjoyable, which is good for your mental health. I believe that finding your purpose not only makes your life better but also makes the world a better place for everyone.

11. Connect with Family & Friends More Often

“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe or a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” Designed by freepik

Spending time with family and friends is super important for feeling like you belong somewhere and having people who care about you. They’re the ones who give you love and support when things are going great or when they’re tough. Plus, hanging out with them means you get to share fun times, laugh together, and learn from each other, making life more awesome with special moments and great memories. Being close to your loved ones also helps you understand others better, talk things out when there’s a problem, and get along with people better, which makes relationships stronger and helps everyone get along in society. Overall, making time for family and friends makes you happier, more satisfied, and helps you see how awesome it is to be connected with others.

12. Choose your Friends Wisely

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”

Having friends who help you become a better person is really important for growing and getting better at things. These friends give you chances to learn new stuff, get advice, and see things from different angles. When you’re around people who challenge you in different ways, it helps you keep improving and growing. They give you feedback, cheer you on, and help you try new things that might seem scary. Plus, being friends with them means you can share ideas, stories, and skills, which helps both of you get better together. By hanging out with friends who inspire you to be awesome, you not only get better yourself but also build a group of people who want to see you succeed and be happy in all parts of life.

13. Connect with People you Admire

“Working with your role model isn’t just about achieving success; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself.”

Connecting with people you look up to is super important for growing personally and professionally. When you build relationships with folks who have succeeded in your line of work, you get awesome chances to learn from them, get advice, and find out about cool stuff you might not know about otherwise. By getting to know your role models, you can learn firsthand how to handle tough situations, grab onto opportunities, and get better at what you do. Plus, being pals with your role models might open up new doors for you, like cool projects to work on together or chances to move up in your career. These connections give you a safe place to learn and improve, helping you become the best you can be and do cool stuff in your field. Ultimately, making friends with your role models not only helps you grow as a person and a professional but also builds a strong community of support in your industry or area of expertise.

14. Build & Nurture your Professional Network

“Your network can open doors, make introductions, and create opportunities that may not have been available otherwise.”

Building and nurturing your professional network is essential for career growth and personal development. Think of it as forming meaningful connections with like-minded individuals who can support you along your journey. Start by reaching out to peers and attending industry events, and remember to be genuine and offer value in your interactions. Networking isn’t just about what you can get; it’s also about what you can give. Be proactive in offering support and resources to others. While networking may seem daunting at first, start small, set achievable goals, and celebrate your successes along the way. By investing in your network, you’re not only opening doors for yourself but also creating a supportive community where everyone can thrive.

15. Seek & Apply Knowledge at Work:

Understanding and using new knowledge at work is super important for growing as a person and doing a great job. When you actively learn new things that relate to your job, like industry trends or new skills, you can stay ahead of the game. Then, when you actually use what you’ve learned, you can come up with cool ideas, solve problems better, and make your work even better. Plus, always learning and changing helps you stay flexible and strong when things get tough at work. Also, when you share what you know with your coworkers, it helps everyone work together better and come up with even more awesome ideas. So, by learning and using new knowledge at work, you’re not just getting better yourself — you’re also helping your whole team succeed!

16. Embrace Growth Mindset:

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”

In life, having a growth mindset is super important for staying strong, being creative, and always getting better. When you have a growth mindset, you believe that you can get better at anything with practice and hard work. People with this mindset are awesome at facing challenges, learning from mistakes, and staying positive even when things get tough. They’re not afraid to try new things, take risks, and explore new ideas, which helps them grow a lot in their personal and professional lives. Also, having a growth mindset makes you feel powerful because you know you can change your life by working hard and learning new things. So, by having a growth mindset, you’re not just becoming stronger and more adaptable yourself — you’re also making the world a more creative and awesome place!

17. Learn To Code:

“Coding is today’s language of creativity.’’

Learning to code is super important in today’s digital world, and it can bring you lots of cool benefits. When you know how to code, you understand how technology works, like software and websites. This can open up lots of job opportunities in fields like making apps, analyzing data, keeping things safe online, and even creating artificial intelligence. Plus, coding helps you solve problems, think logically, and be creative, skills that are useful in lots of different jobs. Also, when you learn to code, you get better at using technology and talking with other tech experts, so you can work together on cool projects. Overall, learning to code isn’t just about getting a job — it’s about gaining skills that can help you succeed in today’s digital world!

18. Get Upskilled:

“Invest in yourself. Your career is the engine of your wealth.”

Upskilling in your craft is essential for staying relevant, competitive, and adaptable in today’s rapidly evolving job market. By continuously refining and expanding your skills, you remain at the forefront of industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices. This commitment to upskilling not only enhances your expertise and proficiency in your field but also opens doors to new opportunities for career advancement, innovation, and leadership. Moreover, upskilling demonstrates a proactive approach to professional development, signaling to employers your dedication to continuous learning and growth. Additionally, mastering new skills or technologies can lead to increased job satisfaction, autonomy, and confidence in your abilities, ultimately positioning you as a valuable asset to employers and ensuring long-term success in your chosen field

19. Improve your Work-Ethic:

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

Improving your work ethic is fundamental for achieving success, fulfillment, and personal growth in your professional endeavors. A strong work ethic instills discipline, commitment, and perseverance, enabling you to consistently produce high-quality work and meet deadlines effectively. By demonstrating reliability and dedication, you earn the trust and respect of colleagues and supervisors, paving the way for career advancement and opportunities. Moreover, cultivating a strong work ethic fosters self-discipline and accountability, empowering you to set and achieve ambitious goals. Additionally, a strong work ethic contributes to a positive organizational culture, inspiring teamwork, collaboration, and a shared commitment to excellence. Ultimately, improving your work ethic not only enhances your professional reputation but also lays the foundation for long-term success and fulfillment in your career.

20. Clean your Home/Surroundings:

“Cleaning is the act of loving yourself.”

Cleaning your surroundings is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive environment, both physically and mentally. By removing clutter, dirt, and debris, you create a space that is conducive to focus, creativity, and overall well-being. A clean environment reduces the risk of illness and promotes physical health, as it minimizes exposure to germs and allergens. Moreover, a tidy space can have a positive impact on mental health, reducing stress and anxiety levels by creating a sense of order and control. Additionally, cleaning your surroundings enhances productivity and efficiency, as it eliminates distractions and allows you to work more effectively. Furthermore, a clean environment fosters pride and satisfaction in your surroundings, promoting a positive attitude and sense of ownership. Ultimately, maintaining cleanliness in your surroundings contributes to a healthier, happier, and more productive lifestyle.

21. Practice Gratitude:

“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.”

Practicing gratitude is essential for cultivating a positive mindset, enhancing mental well-being, and fostering meaningful connections with others. By regularly expressing appreciation for the people, experiences, and blessings in your life, you shift your focus towards the positive aspects, reducing stress and anxiety while promoting emotional resilience. Gratitude also improves interpersonal relationships by fostering empathy, kindness, and generosity, as it encourages acknowledgment of the contributions and support received from others. Moreover, practicing gratitude fosters a sense of abundance and contentment, leading to greater overall satisfaction with life. Additionally, research suggests that gratitude is associated with numerous physical health benefits, including better sleep, lower blood pressure, and improved immune function. Ultimately, incorporating gratitude into your daily life leads to greater happiness, resilience, and fulfillment, enriching both your personal and professional experiences.

22. Keep things Organized at Home & Office:

“The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.”

Organizing things at home is essential for creating a harmonious and functional living space that promotes peace of mind, productivity, and overall well-being. By decluttering and arranging items in an orderly manner, you reduce visual and mental distractions, allowing you to focus on tasks and activities more effectively. Organizing your home also enhances efficiency, as it enables you to locate belongings easily and streamline daily routines. Moreover, a well-organized home fosters a sense of calm and relaxation, promoting mental clarity and reducing stress. Additionally, maintaining an organized living environment instills a sense of pride and satisfaction in your surroundings, contributing to a positive mood and overall quality of life. Ultimately, organizing things at home creates a welcoming and inviting space that supports your physical, emotional, and mental health, facilitating greater comfort and enjoyment in daily living.

23. Travel:

“Not all those who wander are lost.”

Traveling is essential for broadening horizons, fostering personal growth, and gaining valuable experiences that enrich life. Through travel, individuals have the opportunity to explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life, promoting empathy, tolerance, and cultural understanding. Experiencing new environments and interacting with people from diverse backgrounds enhances perspective-taking skills and cultivates a global mindset. Moreover, travel offers opportunities for adventure, self-discovery, and stepping out of comfort zones, leading to increased confidence, resilience, and adaptability. Additionally, travel provides moments of relaxation, rejuvenation, and stress relief, promoting overall well-being and mental health. Furthermore, exposure to new landscapes, cuisines, and activities stimulates curiosity and creativity, fostering a sense of inspiration and wonder. Ultimately, traveling not only broadens horizons but also nourishes the soul, creating lifelong memories and shaping individuals into more open-minded, empathetic, and culturally aware global citizens.

24. Create Content:

“Create content that teaches. You can’t give up. You need to be consistently awesome.”

Creating content on social media is essential for establishing an online presence, fostering brand recognition, and engaging with your audience effectively. By consistently sharing valuable and relevant content, you can demonstrate your expertise, attract followers, and drive traffic to your website or business. Additionally, content creation enables you to effectively communicate your brand’s values, personality, and offerings, thereby building trust and credibility with your audience. Furthermore, engaging content stimulates interaction, discussion, and sharing, thereby amplifying your reach and impact. Through a strategic approach to content creation, you can maintain top-of-mind awareness with your audience, cultivate relationships, and ultimately drive business growth and success in the digital age.



Aravind K Thoomu

A podcaster by passion and HR by trade. 6+ years in customer service. Sharing book reviews, expertise & experiences, and interview transcripts.